Jack Sparrow's story is the reason we are in rescue. His is a story of strength, the will to live, the power of love and fate. Jack was found in Staten Island under a woman named Carol's car. A tiny Japanese Chin that had been struck by a car and ran for cover.
He lay there, lifeless, still, bleeding. Carol desperately searched her car for something to help, anything. She found a towel and as she came out to get him a police officer was dragging little Jack out by his tail. Jack screamed in agony. Carol quickly bundled him up in the towel and whispered softly to him "You're gonna make it little guy." The officer took Jack to Animal Care & Control and told them Jack needed to be put down, that there was no way he was going to survive but Carol was in tow.
The volunteers put out an urgent call for anyone to rescue him, anyone to get him to a hospital. Our team heard that call and rushed into action. Surely enough, he was inches from death. We raced him to the hospital where he underwent major treatment. The car had hit him right in the head. Along with the visible injuries, he had bruising on his brain, yet, miraculously, not a single broken bone. After less then 24 hours he was wagging, licking, and walking, slowly at first, wobbly at first, but then he was released into foster care. One of our board members took him in and when we asked for a video of him walking to share and show his injuries she said she couldn't. When asked why, she sent a video. He was walking straighter than most of our volunteers. He looked like nothing had happened four days before! He was running, playing with his foster brother, and kissing every member of the family. We knew he was strong but we could never imagine this incy whincy dog's recovery.
Of course he still needed TLC no matter how healthy he seemed. He quickly became one of the family with his larger than life personality, loving heart, and endearing face. Every step of the way Carol was there, checking in on him, donating to him, following every post. Once he was ready to be adopted she scooped him up. The two seemed to have been meant to be. When they were reunited Jack leapt, for the first time, into her arms. He remembered her. He knew she was safe, she was love, she was home.